Onthou julle my ontstoke possie van so twee weke gelede? Oor hoedat dit net ‘n kwessie van tyd is voordat die hele wêreld onder die hiel van ‘n bose regeringstelsel sal wees (en wat ek nie eens genoem het nie, is die geloofsvervolging wat sal plaasvind.)
Nou wel.
Wat hier onder te lese is, stem sterk ooreen met Black Tuesday in Ouland. En die reëlings vir een oorheersende groep om die wêreld te regeer, val stadig maar seker in plek.
Nuusberig uit Washington, in koerante te lese –
“Late last night (Donderdag, 1 Desember) the Senate reached a quiet compromise (en waarom so stilweg, as ek mag vra??) to pass the defense authorization bill. Toward the end of the bill, the National Defense Authorization Act says that if passed, it will also apply to Americans "if we want it to."
The Pentagon spending bill or Senate bill 1867 for mandatory indefinite detention under the U.S. government has passed a bipartisan Senate by a vote of 93-7, despite the disapproval of retired military officials and President Obama (hy moet voorgee hy is nie ‘in’ op die storie nie – masker-dra) threatening to veto the bill if it goes through the House.
The Senate's version will need to be reconciled with the House-passed measure before the congressional session ends. If both go through, Natural News reports that the passing of the bill is an "insidious plan to put in place a legal framework to end the Bill of Rights, murder protesters, and overrun America with total police state brutality." Senator Rand Paul warns of the removal of certain rights from the Constitution, such as the removal of due process.
Natural News writes the bill would allow indefinite detention of citizens accused of anti-government acts, which would apply to Occupy Wall Street protesters, journalists,even bloggers, and more.”
Hoe lui die spreuk?
“And stil the sheeple is asleeple.”