Thursday, May 6, 2010


Monumental report from the President’s Cancer Panel

This is a monumental news day!

The President’s Cancer Panel Report released today exhorts consumers to choose "healthy" food to help decrease their exposure to environmental chemicals that can increase their risk of contracting cancer!

“Exposure to pesticides can be decreased by choosing, to the extent possible, food grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers…Similarly, exposure to antibiotics, growth hormones, and toxic run-off from livestock feed lots can be minimized by eating free-range meat raised without these medications,” according to the report, “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now,” submitted to President Obama by Dr. LaSalle Leffall, Jr., an oncologist and professor of surgery at Howard University, and Dr. Margaret L. Kripke, an immunologist at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

In a letter to President Obama, the panel stated “The American people — even before they are born — are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures. The Panel urges you most strongly to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our Nation’s productivity, and devastate American lives.”

This landmark report by the prestigious scientific panel recognizes, at the highest level, what American food products provide -- essentially endorsing the organic food industry.


Amper te goed om waar te wees.......vir jarre der jarre is hierdie gegewe afgemaak as onwaar/onbevestig/oordrewe.

Nie dat dit enigsins moontlik is dat die landboubedryf oornag na die organiese rat oorgeskakel kan word nie. Ekonomies nie haalbaar nie. (Buitendien sal die gifstofbedryf/die hormoonvervaardigers en -verkopers/die antibiotikumsmouse daar nie net 'n stokkie voor steek nie, maar 'n oorlog daarteen verklaar....)

Dog, die blote feit dat IEMAND IETS sê....!!!



Anonymous said...

At last; AT LAST some people are allowed to speak out. May they be heard, my friend.


mariki said...

Absoluut, C!

Sonja said...

Ek kan nie glo wat ek hoor nie!!!
Dit is te goed om waar te wees,ek sal graag wil weet wat sit regtig daaragter....!

Dané said...

Nou moet daar net AKSIE geneem word.

mariki said...

Presies, Dané. Maar ek dink ons lank wag.....soos Sonja, is ook ek lugtig....

Anonymous said...

As ma en Vrou van 'n Fantastiese Saaiboer - ja, ja en duisendmaal ja. Want te lank ervaar ons as gesin die newe-effekte van spuit-vliegtuie oor ons huis se dak, van gifstowwe wat net uit die land huis toe "drift".... Maar as plaasvrou kan ek julle verseker dat dit nie haalbaar is nie.
Want - aag, die verduideliking is lank, maar een probleem is ook die verbruiker (regtig!)...

mariki said...

Anoniem, ek glo goed dat die verbruiker 'n groot rol in hierdie saak speel.