Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nogeens in memoriam

'n Dokter by die hospitaal waaraan een van ons seuns ook verbonde is:

A prominent physician at the Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, professor Rob Pierce, is among those missing and feared dead, while it is believed his wife is in intensive care with injuries sustained in the St Andrews fire.

Professor Pierce is head of Victoria's Institute for Breathing and Sleep, and has developed an international reputation in his field.

His research included the impact of sleep disorders on road safety and nocturnal oxygen therapy.

Hospital staff were reportedly "shell-shocked" yesterday at the news. Chief executive Brendan Murphy said the hospital had "grave concerns" for Professor Pierce's wellbeing. "He is a well loved and highly respected staff member who is an international leader in respiratory and sleep medicine and research," Dr Murphy said. "A number of Austin Health staff live in the affected areas and have lost loved ones and homes and we are providing them with all of the support we can at this time."

*** Sopas verneem dit is bevestig dat hy dood is.


Nimsi se Blog said...

My hart gaan uit na almal wat hierby betrokke is. Mag God self in sy groot liefde vertroos.

mariki said...

Dankie, Nimsi. By die TWEEHONDERD mense doodgebrand...ek is verslae vir hul onthalwe.

Muriel said...

Dis vreeslik hartseer. My innige simpatie en gebede ook aan hierdie mense!

mariki said...

Ek kan die mense net nie vergeet nie, Muriel.

Jan and Miekie said...

Dis 'n geweldige, onverstaanbare tragedie. 'n Mens kan jou die hitte wat die metaal laat smelt het, net nie indink nie. Watter verskriklike dood vir soveel mense!

mariki said...

Ek skud nog steeds my kop in ongeloof oor daardie mense se tragedie.